Have you made a connection yet?

Life is crazy, busy, challenging, and can be lonely. Connect groups are a great way to get to know some men at Cornerstone. You can start with just you and another guy going to grab coffee, fishing, lunch, or get a few games in online. Whatever you decide to do, its about making a connection and letting other men in on your life.



- Cornerstone Coffee Shop, Starbucks or a local coffee shop

- Your favorite lunch spot (we suggest tacos or BBQ)

- Blue Springs Lake, Lake Jacomo, Longview Lake for fishing

- FaceTime or video call

- Link up for some games online

- Exchange social media handles


We want to hear and see all about the connections you guys are making. Take a photo/video and tag us @cornerstonekc use #cornerstonemen

If you don't have social media, upload here!


For some, making a connection is a little tougher... Here are some ideas on what to talk about.

- How and when did you come Cornerstone?

- What do you do for work?

- Discuss your family dynamics (married or single, kids, etc.)

- Talk about interests (sports, games, movies, hobbies)

- Plan a second hangout together

Contact US

Need help getting connected or have a question?

EMAIL: hessondon@gmail.com

PHONE: 816.228.1979