When you are looking to get connected or become a member, Growth Track is the place to start! This track is offered to everyone, whether you are new to Cornerstone or have been attending for years. The Growth Track will help direct your unique interests and gifts to serve people, find a group to belong to, or simply learn about the culture and mission of Cornerstone Church.
Cornerstone's Growth Track is a three-part journey that...
...introduces you to our story and vision
...strengthens your faith (Believing in Jesus)
...connects you to family (Belonging to Family)
...helps you discover your God-given identity, gifts and strengths (Becoming His Disciple)
...ignites you to step into your God-given place and destiny! (Building His Kingdom)
FEBRUARY 9, 16 & 23, 2025 | 9AM
The Growth Track is offered several times throughout the year.
First Sunday | Church 101
Second Sunday | Essentials 201
Third Sunday | Discovery 301 & Dream Team 401
Fast Track | A one day, 3 hour experience.
You can join in and attend at any point in the rotation. Just attend each of the three classes to complete!