sundays | 9:00 AM

Equip Classes will be back September 17th!

Welcome to join anytime while classes are in session.

Classes are available for adults, youth and kids.

EQUIP is about being transformed into the image of Jesus (Rom 12:2) with the opportunity to continue to gain knowledge and skills in hearing God’s voice, applying God’s Word and making disciples. Every class is an invitation to encounter Jesus and be equipped to walk boldly your faith.

See class descriptions below!


Hearing God | Video teaching by John and Lisa Bevere and Rabbi Brian Bileci

Intimacy with Holy Spirit, Ways God Speaks, the Relevance of the Old Testament, and Stewarding Revelation are just a few topics included in this video teaching series by John and Lisa Bevere and Rabbi Brian Bileci. Includes Hearing God course guide and meditation guide.

Loving Our Kids On Purpose | Video teaching by Danny Silk | Facilitated by Dan & Edie Mohn

Loving Our Kids on Purpose brings the principles of the Kingdom of God and revival into our strategy as parents; teaching parents to train their children to manage their freedoms and protect their important heart-to-heart relationships.

Loving Our Kids on Purpose will give you tools to:

  • Protect your connection with your children
  • Teach your children to manage increasing levels of freedom
  • Replace the tools of intimidation and control
  • Create a safe place for children to build confidence and personal responsibility

CY Girls (6th-12th) | Sundays Led by Crystal Nichols

Teens frequently feel the tug to be more, do more, and be sure of their choices in academics and activities to secure a prosperous future. It can seem overwhelming and like there’s no way to know the “right” path to choose. We will study the teachings of Proverbs to learn the steps to make the big, often hard, decisions, resolve conflict, and more by learning to keep our anchor in the Lord and define wisdom by Biblical standards, not the world’s.

All Jr. & Sr. High girls are welcome to join.  

CY Guys (6th-12th) | Sundays Led by Pastor Hunter

All Jr. & Sr. High guys are welcome to join.  

Kids Equip Classes are available for parents who attend Equip Classes.

For more information on any of our Equip classes, please talk with one of our staff or email us at